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Golf ball inches from the pin, with the landing mark less than a foot away

 Golf Marathon 2022 

Family and Friends of Imprint,

On October 17th, I’m excited for the opportunity to play in the 17th Annual Imprint Golf Marathon to raise funds that help us introduce kids to Jesus and invest in their leadership.

Each year our team tackles 100 holes of golf. It’s a challenging day but well worth all the effort. Every hole means one more donation for the cause of engaging, encouraging, and equipping children’s leaders and their ministries. The funds raised go toward events, ministry partnerships, and development of programs that reach into the lives of children for the gospel.

We hope that you will join us by helping us reach our funding goal in 2022!

Darisay leaning on golf club on the green. Fog and trees in the background
Craig and company standing next to the pin on the golf course
Donate Anchor

Suggested Donation Levels:

$.50/Hole = $50

$1/Hole = $100

$2/Hole = $200

$5/hole = $500

$10/hole = $1,000

$25/hole = $2,500

One Time Gift

Support Us Monthly

Golf ball next to the pin, with a divot less than a foot away from the pin
Craig with two men on the golf course. Craig is wearing an apple cap

**If you prefer to pay by personal or business check, Donor Advised Fund or Foundation, please make a check payable to Imprint and send to PO Box 538 / Carlsbad, CA 92018-0538

Imprint is a 501(c)3 Tax ID Number is 81-4468715

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